Women's Philanthropy 

Women's Philanthropy 


Women philanthropists are the change-makers and community-shapers of the world. We are sisters and daughters, mothers, and friends, compassionate and committed women at every stage of life and career.


Women’s Philanthropy engages Jewish women in the fulfilling work of making the world a better place, building and supporting Jewish life for today and for generations to come. Inspired by the Jewish imperative that we are responsible for each other and for the world in which we live, our donors come from all walks and all stages of life.


To learn more about Women’s Philanthropy, please contact Katarina Kliman at kkliman@jewishwinnipeg.org or at 204.477.7403

Women's Events


Over the course of the year, our community hosts a variety of events exclusively for women, including speakers, workshops, volunteer opportunities, and much more.


Lion of Judah 


Lions of Judah play a vital role in creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity through their leadership gift of at least $5,000 to the Combined Jewish Appeal (CJA).

Look What's Happening

  • Join us for GrowWinnipeg Grow, a virtual event for beginner and current gardeners all on Wednesday, April 14 at 7 pm!

  • • We are introducing this new giving option which allows donors to make a recurring donation every month automatically
    • You can change the monthly giving amount or cancel their monthly giving ...

Look what else we have to offer!