September 2017
Tell us about your family; how did you hear about the PJ Library?
My name is Yulia Belenkiy, I am married to Gosha and we have three adorable sons Daniel, Ron and Michael. We’ve moved to Winnipeg in August 2016 from Israel. At the “Super Fun Day” event organized by the Jewish Federation we’ve heard about PJ Library from our friends and have met Florencia Katz.
Tell us about your experiences with PJ Library and how this program (books and events) have impacted your family.
We receive children’s books every month and our kids are excited every time they see the packages in our mailbox. Then each of them grabs its own book, checks what the others have received and try to read. Just before they go to sleep we get together and read the books.
What are your children's favorite PJ books?
“Happy Passover!” by Lnda Glaser, “A Grandma Like Yours” by Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, “Sam and Charlie (and Sam too!)” by Leslie Kimmelman and “Beni’s Family Treasury” by Jane Breskin Zalben.
What has been your child's favorite PJ Library program and why?
Our favourite PJ Library program would be “Scoop of Summer” since they love ice cream, crafts and games.
Anything else you’d like us to know?
It is so awesome that PJ Library exists; it allows our kids to get familiar with their Jewish identity through books while they are still small.
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