COVID-19 Community Cancellations

Dear Community Members,


The situation relating to COVID-19 is continually changing, with many communications being issued by companies and organizations regarding cancellations, closures and postponements.

All Federation events and programs including Yom Ha’atzmaut, PJ Library programs, PJ Our Way programs, Birthright’s May 2020 trip, March of the Living's April 2020 trip, and Shoah Week (Holocaust Awareness Week) programs scheduled to take place from April 19-26 are cancelled. The annual Kavod Evening, scheduled for May 5, has been postponed until Thursday, September 10. Our office remains open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am-4:30 pm, however some staff will be working from home. All contact will be by appointment only.

We reached out to all the Winnipeg Jewish community organizations and asked them to provide us with status updates. As not all organizations replied to our request, this list may not be complete.

Asper Foundation
The May 2020 Asper International Program on Israeli Law & Society (Mishpatim) has been cancelled.

Asper Jewish Community Campus
Building hours have been amended to be 7:00 am-6:00 pm Monday through Friday and the building will be closed on weekends. Schmoozer’s will be operating during the week from 8:00 am-3:30 pm Monday-Thursday, and from 8:00 am-2:00 pm on Fridays.

Camp Massad
Camp Massad’s camper reunion booked for March 22 has been postponed.
Congregation Etz Chayim
The physical premises of Congregation Etz Chayim will be closed as of 5:00 pm today for at least the next two weeks, through Tuesday, March 31. This includes the cancellation of Shabbat and daily services as well as Wednesday services at Simkin Centre. Services at Simkin centre will not take place until further notice. Please note that Etz Chayim staff will remain accessible by phone and email on an ongoing basis. 

Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Congregation Shaarey Zedek is closed for all services and programs. The reduced operating hours for the building will be 7:30 am-6:30 pm. Rabbis and lay clergy will be on-site for consultation. The general office will be open from 9:00 am-5:00 pm and Fridays to 3:00 pm. The Interfaith Yom Ha’shoah commemoration on April 19 has also been cancelled.

Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre
Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre has cancelled all programming until mid-May. Operating hours will be reduced in order to limit traffic and third-party services. They will be available by phone or email between 9 am-2 pm Monday-Friday. Meals on Wheels and catering are still available.

Gray Academy of Jewish Education
Gray Academy of Jewish Education is closed to students. Teaching and learning will now take place through distance education – “Gray Away”. 

Jewish Child and Family Service
JCFS is open from 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. All workshops and groups are postponed. All contact will be by appointment only. They will not be seeing walk-ins but are still reachable by phone and electronically.

Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
The 2020 Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Luncheon in support of the Women’s Endowment Fund originally scheduled for Thursday, May 7 has been cancelled.

Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada
The JHCWC AGM on April 2 is cancelled. The May 13 Kanee Lecture has been postponed.

Jewish National Fund
The 2020 Negev Gala originally scheduled to take place on May 26 has been postponed to October 27.

Rady JCC
The Rady JCC has closed its fitness facility for the foreseeable future. All memberships and ongoing payments will be frozen at no cost to our members. The facility will remain closed until a time that is deemed safe to reopen their doors. All programs and events have been cancelled until April 30.
The 48th Annual Rady JCC Ken Kronson Sports Dinner originally scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 12 has been cancelled.
Simkin Centre
The Simkin Puzzle Race on Sunday, April 26 and Simkin Brunch on Sunday, May 3 are both cancelled.

Winnipeg Jewish Theatre
WJT’s production of Narrow Bridge from March 26-April 5 has been cancelled.
If there are any events that are not part of this list that you have questions about, please contact the event organizer for an update as it may have been affected based on current circumstances.


Elaine Goldstine
Chief Executive Officer



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