Community Planning News

What We Heard Through 9 Months of Community Conversations

Some 400 Community Conversation participants were clear when asked how they see Winnipeg’s Jewish community today and how they would like to see it in the future.

Planning Day

Join us as we share the results of our Community Conversations and discuss action planning priorities on Sunday, May 7...

Join the Conversation

Every voice counts and every member of the Jewish community is invited to join the conversation in the following ways:

Take a short survey ►

Attend a community conversation ►

Contact Faye Rosenberg-Cohen

Community Conversations

The Community Planning Committee of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg is pleased to announce the launch of a new broad based community planning process. The first step is to

Pew Report

The PEW report has commentators around the world sounding alarm bells. Some of the most learned and prestigious leaders and thinkers in the Jewish world are...