I’ll never forget bringing our oldest son for the Passover Delivery hampers event and how it effected the way we perceive the needs of some of those in our community. We were walking down the hallway in an apartment building, looking for one particular family who had called and asked for help so that their family could have a hot healthy meal on Passover. The mother opened the door and was practically in tears because she was so grateful for the large box of food, and the kids were so excited that they were going to finally have this wonderful hot meal. I recall feeling temporarily relieved and happy for them, but realized that it was only one meal, and I remember thinking about them later and wondering what other community resources might be available to help them, so they can have hot healthy meals throughout the year and not just when they received donated food hampers.
After wishing them a happy Passover, my son and I were walking down the hallway and two other doors opened. an elderly woman from one apartment and a middle aged couple in another had heard the commotion down the hall and asked if we had other food we could share with them. They were also Jewish people in need of the support from our community but had not reached out for help. Luckily, we were able to call back to the volunteer headquarters and put together hampers for them as well.
In the car ride home, my four year old son asked, “Dad, how many people get boxes of food today?” I told him that I wasn’t sure how many meals were delivered but that we should try to make sure that everyone who needs one, gets one.
For me, that day reaffirmed the need for an ongoing contribution to the CJA.
We are always inspired by the community. We are reminded that there are so many people who are really dedicated to the ongoing success of our Jewish community and it makes us want to stay involved and help out too.
It will be a great challenge and a major acheivement to create a flourishing Jewish Community that evolves and adapts to the needs of the next generation. It is our hope that there is always a vibrant, diverse and exciting Jewish community here in Winnipeg, a community that everyone may access, enjoy, and connect with their own Jewish identity.
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