April 2016
Dear Community Members,
As we reach mid-year we are happy to report on the state of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg.
CJA Campaign Closes at a Record High
On March 31 2016, we concluded the campaign with record numbers. The campaign closed at $5,861,374. We owe a debt of gratitude Bryan Klein, Elana Schultz, Jared Akman and Baillie Chisick for their leadership. We also thank all of the volunteers and staff for their hard work. A huge thank you to all donors and agencies; we could not have reached such heights without you.
Campaign Highlights
- All new gifts: 193
- Women’s Philanthropy gifts: $1,514,538
- YAD (Young Adult Division) gifts: $360,103
We now move into the next phase: allocating the money that was raised. Our allocations committee, chaired by Kovi Smolack, has met with each of our agencies in the last few weeks. Our report on the allocation of monies will be available at the end of May.
Federation Review
We are constantly reviewing and evaluating our mandate and evaluating how well we are achieving Federation’s goals.
- As we have not had a campaign director for 8 months, we are re-evaluating the role. We are in the process of reshaping the Campaign Department;
- Changes in the times and in the community call for changes in the way we do business;
- Outreach: We are outreaching out to the universities and Red River College as well as to political leaders in the community. We are thus positioning the Federation in a leadership role in the general community;
- Our Board and Executive will be reviewing their roles and responsibilities;
- We have developed a new Finance Committee chaired by Gustavo Zentner;
- We are reaching out to the beneficiary agencies, ensuring that their needs are met;
- We have had several town hall discussions with newcomers to Winnipeg to assist us plan and develop programs that meet the changing needs of our community;
- Grow Winnipeg, chaired by Brian Scharfstein, is reviewing and shaping what we can offer to community members who are new Canadians.
Relationships with our Community Partners
We are working together with agencies across the board. Our Engagement and Planning committees have strong leadership with Jessica Cogan and Carol Duboff and as their respective chairs.
Relationships Outside the Community
As the provincial election approaches, the Community Relations team chaired by Joel Lazer has been busy interviewing candidates from all parties. We continue to grow our relationships with various external organizations and communities. Indeed we recently returned from a highly successful Mission to Israel with Norway House Cree Nation.
Partnership 2Together
Six students from Gray Academy participated in our Gesher Chai program and spent ten days in the Upper Galilee leading, learning (and dancing) alongside Israeli students of all ages. Watch video
The President, Board of Directors and Staff of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Chag Pesach Same’ach – Happy Passover!
Upcoming Events:
- Wondering where to go for a Seder this Passover?
- Winnipeg Next (Birthright Alumni) making Passover Hampers – Register here | Apr 14
- PJ Library & Temple Shalom’s Family Kabbalat Shabbat | Apr 15
- YAD Ben-Gurion Society Passover Hamper Delivery | Apr 17
- Birthright Israel trip registration closes Apr 18
- Community-wide Mimouna | Apr 30
- PJ Library Goes Blue & Gold | May 8
- Budding Philanthropists Book Sale in support of Operation Ezra | May 15
- Kavod Evening | May 18
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