Community-Wide Kristallnacht Program

On November 9, 2017, a community-wide Kristallnacht commemoration was held in the Berney Theatre, featuring the film “Joe’s Violin”.
On November 9, 2017, a community-wide Kristallnacht commemoration was held in the Berney Theatre, featuring the film “Joe’s Violin”.
On Thursday, October 26th, at a ceremony hosted by Federation President Adam Levene, Mayor Brian Bowman launched the Canadian Jewish Experience exhibit for Canada’s 150th anniversary.
Dear Elaine,
As I promised in my last letter to you at Passover, I want to keep you up-to-date on our work at the Embassy of Canada to Israel. It is hard to believe how quickly time has passed since Passover, and the New Year is already upon us. While Rosh Hashanah is a time to celebrate …
Jewish Federations of Canada - UIA salutes the Government of Canada on the unveiling of the National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa on September 27.
We are pleased to remind you that Yahya Mahamed will be speaking at the Shaarey Zedek at 7:30 Oct 24th.