Temple Shalom

1077 Grant Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3M 1Y6

P: (204) 453-1625
F: (204) 452-0997

Temple Shalom, a welcoming Reformsynagogue affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) offers worship enriched by glorious music, celebrates life cycle events, educates, operates The Irma Penn School for Judaic Studies, holds regular Adult Education events, presents family-oriented activities, partakes in social action and offers cemetery services. Shabbat services are regularly offered on Friday evening.


Beit Chayim Mikdash Shalom

4000 Portage Ave
Phone Temple Shalom: 204-453-1625
Email: tshalom1@gmail.com

Affiliated with Temple Shalom, this cemetery offers alternative and traditional Jewish burial in a segregated area of the Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens. Temple Shalom endeavors to be sensitive to nthe needs of all members of the Jewish community and to accommodate the burial needs of Jews by birth, Jews by choice and interfaith families in accordance with the accepted practices of Reform Judaism.


Irma Penn School of Jewish Learning
Beneficiary of Jewish Federation of Winnipeg
Offers classes for all Jewish children from Kindergarten to B’nai Mitzvah age. Parents have two basic choices:


Sunday morning Judaic Studies program includes Holidays and Traditions, Jewish History and Bible Study, The Land of Israel nand Jewish Music. This program is enriched by the participation of a Cantor and a Rabbi and facilitated by experienced and caring teaching staff. Wednesday after-school program is devoted entirely to Hebrew language education. It is perfect for b’nai mitzvah students preparing for the big day or for families wanting to connect their children to the rich heritage inherent in this beautiful language.
Religious School Adult Education at Temple Shalom includes Introduction to Judaism courses, Adult Hebrew classes, Yoga Shalom, Torah study led by the Rabbi, reading and studying Torah Hebrew, adult bar/bat mitzvah, activity based hands on workshops, and educational, entertaining evening programs on a variety of topics.




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