As the central location, housing major Jewish organizations in
Community Mikvah at the Asper Jewish Community Campus
The Mikvah is open to all members of the community for a variety of purposes including taharat ha-mishpacha, tevilat kelim and conversions. The Mikvah is operated under the halachic guidance of the Winnipeg Council of Rabbis.
Schmoozer’s Café (Dairy) (VKW)
Asper Jewish Community Campus
Ph: 204-477-7418 / Fax: 204-477-7507
Schmoozer’s Café is open to the public in Winnipeg, serving breakfast, lunch and supper. The menu offers a wide selection of traditional and modern items and the kitchen is under the supervision of OU. Schmoozer’s specializes in catering kosher food for all occasions: Shiva meals, birthdays, business lunches and our own “Kosher-to-Go” menu for every day.