Community Planning assesses long-term Jewish community needs, identifies priorities and develops action plans. The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg is committed to planning a vibrant future for a flourishing Jewish community with all possible partners, listening to and engaging with the full diversity of individuals and Jewish organizations.
Continuous improvement. Regularly assess community needs, work with partners and stakeholders to plan responses, review progress and change, consult and re-plan.
Common understanding and unity of purpose. Cooperative, collaborative working relationships between Jewish community non-profits providing service and engagement in Jewish life, build community cohesion, inclusion and effectiveness.
The Cycle
Our Values & Principles
Read the value statements and principles for action planning:
Winnipeg Jewish Demographics
Every ten years, Statistics Canada conducts a long-form census of the Canadian population, called the National Household Survey. The information below is from the data collected in the 2021 National Household Survey. Winnipeg Jewish Demographics , based on Charles Shahar and Sharon Graham, 2021 Census: The Jewish Community of Winnipeg.
Manitoba’s Jews
Manitoba has 14,805 Jews. 910 Jews live outside of Winnipeg.
Jews are 1.1% of the population in Manitoba.
Age Demographics
1,330 Jewish Winnipeggers are aged 75 years or older.
Winnipeg’s Jews – Neighbourhoods
Lindenwoods/Whyte Ridge/Bridgwater is the third fastest growing Jewish neighbourhood in Canada. Between 2011 and 2021, this area’s Jewish population grew by 85.6%.
25.4% of the Jewish population of Charleswood/St. James/Assiniboia is aged 0-14 years.
33% of Winnipeg’s Jews live in Tuxedo and River Heights. 8% live in the Old North End, Garden City and the Maples. 59% of Winnipeg’s Jews live outside of these two areas of the city imagined as being the hearts of the Jewish community.