Community Planning

Community Planning assesses long-term Jewish community needs, identifies priorities and develops action plans. The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg is committed to planning a vibrant future for a flourishing Jewish community with all possible partners, listening to and engaging with the full diversity of individuals and Jewish organizations.




  • Continuous improvement. Regularly assess community needs, work with partners and stakeholders to plan responses, review progress and change, consult and re-plan.
  • Common understanding and unity of purpose. Cooperative, collaborative working relationships between Jewish community non-profits providing service and engagement in Jewish life, build community cohesion, inclusion and effectiveness.

The Cycle


Our Values & Principles


Read the value statements and principles for action planning:


Winnipeg Jewish Demographics

Every ten years, Statistics Canada conducts a long-form census of the Canadian population, called the National Household Survey. The information below is from the data collected in the 2021 National Household Survey. Winnipeg Jewish Demographics , based on Charles Shahar and Sharon Graham, 2021 Census: The Jewish Community of Winnipeg.

Manitoba’s Jews

  • Manitoba has 14,805 Jews. 910 Jews live outside of Winnipeg.
  • Jews are 1.1% of the population in Manitoba.

Age Demographics

1,330 Jewish Winnipeggers are aged 75 years or older.

Winnipeg’s Jews – Neighbourhoods

  • Lindenwoods/Whyte Ridge/Bridgwater is the third fastest growing Jewish neighbourhood in Canada. Between 2011 and 2021, this area’s Jewish population grew by 85.6%.
  • 25.4% of the Jewish population of Charleswood/St. James/Assiniboia is aged 0-14 years.
  • 33% of Winnipeg’s Jews live in Tuxedo and River Heights. 8% live in the Old North End, Garden City and the Maples. 59% of Winnipeg’s Jews live outside of these two areas of the city imagined as being the hearts of the Jewish community.