
17 2016

Tallit Weaving Classes at Congregation Etz Chayim

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Congregation Etz Chayim 123 Matheson Avenue East
Winnipeg, MB

Contact Lina Streltsov
204-589-6305 (Phone)
204-582-0246 (Fax)

Tallit Weaving with instructor Dorothy de Bruijn

Registration is for 16 classes

Members-$260 /Non members- $280

This includes the yarn for the warp and cost of winding the warp.Student will supply yarn for the weft

Afternoon and evening classes are available.Beginning the week of October 17th

To register call 204-589-6305 or email:info@etzchayim.ca

For more information contact Dorothy de Bruijn :204-338-6026