Melton Graduate? Your journey expands here! BeMidbar: Leadership Defied and Defended.
Israel's fateful journey through the wilderness of Sinai presented numerous challenges to the leadership of Moses and Aaron; at times the nation challenged their competence as leaders, and at times individuals arose to challenge their very right to lead. This new Melton Scholars course will survey the dramatic events of the fourth book of the Torah, Sefer BeMidbar, through analysis of biblical texts, artwork and related commentaries, old and new. As students explore the biblical narratives describing forty years of wandering in the wilderness, they will be surprised to note the timeless nature of those stories. How can the lessons learned from the past be applied to solving the communal challenges of the present and the future? BeMidbar introduces significant literary tools often used by scholars in the study of the Bible, and invites participants to revisit and rethink commonly held beliefs about the perceived heroes and rebels of the biblical narrative.
Please register at 204-452-3711 | $300 (Members $200)