
17 2018

Shaarey Zedek Jewish Values (EDU) Lunch n'Learn

12:00PM - 1:00PM  

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent
Winnipeg, MB


This workshop on Jewish values explores the laws guiding the human experience concerning our relationship with the creator, with one another and with the world around us through the lens of Midot or character building. Sessions will focus on a practical interpretation of these laws as they pertain to the world of business, healthcare, social justice and the environment. 

IMPORTANT TOPICS INCLUDE: Respect| Recognition| Responsibility| Compassion| Justice| The Pursuit of Peace
Includes course materials and 5 gourmet lunches including 1 Passover Lunch & Learn session.

This is a Shaarey Zedek educational program led by Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director.

For information call 204-975-3489 or rena@szwinnipeg.ca