
23 2018

The Jewish Learning Centre Presents" Communication Its Art and Soul"

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Chabad Jewish Learning Centre 1845 Mathers Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3N 0N2
204-339-8737 reception@chabadwinnipeg.org

Contact Linda Filbert
2043398737 (Phone)
2042728178 (Fax)

$ Cost $ 89.00

Human beings are social creatures, and communication skills are critical to every area of life. Ironically, the true meaning of communication has often been miscommunicated. It is not about speech, language, or words. In fact, its essence has been identified best by Jewish mystical sources. 

Have we peaked your interest on this fascinating new 6 week course by The Jewish Learning Centre.

meaning of communication has often
been miscommunicated. It is not about
speech, language, or words. In fact, its
essence has been identified best by Jewish
mystical sources. This lesson reaches
deep into the soul of communication to
discover keys to communicate effectively.