On Monday January 28, 7 pm at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (85 Israel Asper Way): a screening of "The Maestro," a film directed by Alexandre Valenti:
At Barletta, a small town in southern Italy, a quiet but determined hero has brought to life an entire history of forgotten music. For over twenty years, Francesco Lotoro, a professional pianist, has scoured Europe to discover and record music composed clandestinely in World War II camps. Aided by his wife and a handful of friends, he has archived over 4000 scores.
From Prague to Krakow, from Rome to Paris, this is the astonishing story of a race against oblivion, where each note sounds like a challenge to the oppressor.
With additional sponsorship from the Azrieli Foundatio, the Province of Manitoba, and the University of Winnipeg.
Admission is free but seating is limited. Transportation is available for Holocaust Survivors--please call 204-477-7430 to arrange.
Sponsor: JHCWC, CMHR, Province of MB, UW, Azrieli Foundation.