
3 2021

"Imagery" class with Carol Rose

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Congregation Etz Chayim 123 Matheson Avenue East
Winnipeg, MB

Contact Claudia Griner


Meditation has been part of Jewish tradition for centuries.  It was a vibrant practice often used before prayer, to prepare the heart. Imagery is a form of meditative work; work that leads to greater insight & inner awareness. This course work will draw upon Kabbalistic, Biblical & Liturgical sources for exercises in the style of Jerusalem psychologist & wise woman, Madame Colette Aboulker- Muscat. The goal of this  course is to cultivate moments of openness & receptivity, allowing participants to become more fully aware of the presence of holiness in their lives, & in the world around them. Imagery is a method that combines modern psychological insights and ancient mystical teachings in order to develop a personal practice suited to contemporary seekers.

This class will be experiential - no prior knowledge or experience is required.

Zoom Registration info: Register in advance for this classes:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.