
10 2022

Kristallnacht: Hans Wolpe- a survivor who jointed the Royal Winnipeg Rifles

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Berney Theatre Asper Jewish Community Centre
123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, MB

Contact Belle Jarniewski

Join us as the Jewish Heritage Centre launches an exhibit about Hans Wolpe, a a stateless German Jew who joined the Royal Winnipeg Rifles as an ‘unofficial’ soldier and who arrived in Winnipeg... as a full-fledged member of the Canadian army and Canadian citizen." Members of his family, including his parents, siblings and grandmother, all perished at Auschwitz. He alone survived. Born in Berlin and educated in Paris, Wolpe was living with his family in Ostend, Belgium when the Nazis invaded in 1940. He managed to escpae and conceal his identity as a Jew.It is an amazing story, with Wolpe crossing over to the Canadian side during a 24-hour cease fire. Wolpe is credited with killing 28 Nazi soldiers and capturing hundreds of others. 

The evening will include presentations from the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and historian Dr. Jody Perrun and the Wolpe exhibit will be unveiled in the Jewish Heritage Centre's (hallway) Marion & Ed Vickar Jewish Museum of Western Canada. 

Reception to follow in the Adult Lounge

Registration at

Sponsor: Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, Royal Winnipeg Rifles.