
2 2018

CEC & Gray Academy Jewish Holiday Program Day 4

8:30AM - 3:30PM  

Congregation Etz Chayim 123 Matheson Avenue East
Winnipeg, MB

Contact Lina Streltsov
204-589-6305 (Phone)
204-582-0246 (Fax)

Jewish Holiday Program in Partnership with Congregation Etz Chayim (Supported by a grant from the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba)

                                                                 Junior Kindergarten – Grade 6

                                                                September 24, 25, October 1 & 2 /2018 and June 10, 2019

                                                                                 8:30AM – 3:30PM

                                           With early drop off and late pick up available at Gray Academy

                                                 Runs on Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, and Shavuot

                                                                                                (five days)

                                                                $136 for all five days or $30 for individual days

                                                                         Registration after September 4 - $40/day

                        Includes Kosher lunch, snacks, and transportation to and from Gray Academy

This program is open to children from all schools to explore this unique Jewish holiday experience.

To register contact 204-477-7410

Sukkot Activities, interactive play, Yom Tov friendly crafts, drama, gymnastics session, challah baking and more.