
20 2014

Congregation Etz Chayim Selichot Program and

7:30PM - 10:00PM  

Congregaton Etz Chayim 123 Matheson Avenue East
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 0C3

Contact Darlene Davis

Selichot Program and Service Saturday, September 20th 7:30PM Guest Speaker Carolyn Lindner 7:30PM-Refreshments 8:00 PM- Havdallah 8:10PM - Showing of the Israeli Film“Shining Stars” followed by Carolyn Lindner’s PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION Entitled 'Overcoming Life's Challenges' Selichot services lead by Rabbi Lander and Cantor Tracy Kasner Greaves to follow. Lindner was born and raised in Winnipeg. She received her degrees in Psychology and Education at the University of Winnipeg. She is an inner-city special education teacher. In 2012 she contracted an illness that threatened her life. She survived but at a cost: she walked out of the hospital on prosthetic legs, and with a damaged lung. She has resumed her role as wife and mother and is an active member of the community, living life to its fullest. “Shining Stars”- Haifa & Vancouver International Film Festivals movie 2008-2009, Friends of Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization Australia, 2010 Director.: Yael Kipper Zaretzky. 27 year old Meytal was severly wounded in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv. Nine years later she decides to go through fertility treatments and have a child on her own. For planning purposes please call the office at 204.589.6305 or email All are welcome